직장인 비즈니스이메일

[비즈니스 이메일] 4. 맺음말에는 어떤 멘트를 쓸까?

뚝딱뚝딱수리 2024. 1. 26. 22:51

[비즈니스 이메일] 4. 맺음말에는 어떤 멘트를 쓸까?

앞서서 서두를 어떻게 써야할지 몇가지 상황을 가정하여 확인해보았다.

이제, 본문을 주르륵 써내려가고 나면 맺음말은 어떻게 써서 마무리를 해야할까?

보통 글쓴이는 자주, 보편적으로 사용해왔던 표현으로 "Looking foward to hearing from you / Awaiting your reply soon" 등을 사용했으나 이것도 다양한 표현들을 머릿속에 담아두고 메일을 좀더 풍성하게 써내려 가보자!!


[상대방의 회신을 요구/기대하면서 메일 마무리하기]

  1. I look forward to your prompt response. (Looking forward to your response.)
  2. Your timely response would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Await your feedback on this matter.
  4. Please feel free to get back to me (at your earliest convenience). < ()는 약간 올드한 느낌..
  5. Appreciate your thoughts on this at your earliest convenience.
  6. I look forward to hearing from you (soon).
  7. Looking forward to hearing from you (soon).
  8. Please let me know your thoughts when you have a moment.
  9. I look forward to receiving your reply and moving forward.
  10. Please advise us of your comments ...


[상대방에게 감사를 표현하면서 메일 마무리하기]

  1. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
  2. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
  3. I appreciate your interest and consideration.
  4. Your engagement in this issue is highly valued.
  5. Your attention would be highly appreciated.
  6. I appreciate your active participation in our recent discussions.
  7. Your attention is greatly appreciated.
  8. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of the points (raised).
  9. Thank you for your interest and commitment to our collaboration.
  10. We would like to thank you for ...
  11. Thank you for your effort to ...


이밖에도, 다순하게 생각한다면, 


Please let me know if you have any questions.

Should you have any questions, please let me/us know. 혹은 feel free to contact me/us. 혹은 do not hesitate to contact me/us. 


등이 있겠다. 사실 중복되는 표현들이 많아서.. 상황에 맞게 다양한 변화구를 던져가면서 다채로운 메일을 만들어 봅시다!!


다음번엔 다양한 상황에서 어떠식으로 표현하는게 좋을지(축하/인사/감사/거절 등) 알아보도록 하겠습니다 :)