[생활 영어회화] 임신 관련 영어 표현들 #1(임신 초기 진료 받을 때)
[생활 영어회화] 임신 관련 영어 표현들 #1(임신 초기 진료 받을 때)
최근 병원에 갈 일이 생겨서 공부겸 아래 내용들을 익혀보고 당당하게 병원에 들어갔으나,, 생각나는게 1도 없어서 당황스러웠습니다..
영어는 머리로 알고 있는 것과 실제로 말로 뱉는건 진짜 천지 차이인 것 같군요 흑흑
알더라도 곱씹으며 암기하고 입으로 뱉어보는 연습을 꾸준히 하도록 합시다!
#1. 진료 전/후(예약, 처방전 구하기)
- 진료예약
• I would like to schedule a medical appointment.
• I’d like to schedule an appointment for a check-up.
• Could you schedule me for a(n) (follow-up) appointment?
• I need to book an appointment, please.
• Can I set up a time to see Dr. Smith?
• Can I make an appointment with Dr. XXX next week?
(기존 얘기하던 의사가 있을 경우/아니면 지정하고 싶은 의사가 있을 경우)
• Is there any chance/availability I can get in this week?
• When’s the soonest I can come in?
• Can I schedule a check-up for next week?
• I’d like to book with Dr. XXX, if possible.
2. 예약 취소
• I need to cancel my appointment for tomorrow.
• Something’s come up, and I won’t be able to make my appointment. Can you cancel it?
• Can you take me off the schedule for Thursday?
• I’m calling to cancel my visit with Dr. XXX.
3. 예약 변경
• Can I reschedule my appointment to a different day?
• Is it possible to move my appointment to next week?
• I can’t make it tomorrow—can we push it to Friday?
• I need to change my appointment time. What slots do you have available?
4. 처방전
• Where do I pick up my prescription?
• Is my prescription ready at the pharmacy?
• Should I grab my meds here, or are they sent to a pharmacy?
• How do I get my prescription filled?
• Do I get the meds here or at a pharmacy?
• Will the prescription be sent to my local pharmacy?
• Where should I pick up the medication?
• Can you tell me where to go for the prescription?
5. 다음 진료 예약
• How do I set up my next visit?
• Should I book my follow-up now, or later?
• When should I come back, and how do I schedule it?
• Can I make my next appointment before I leave today?
#2. 병원 진료 시
1. 임신에 문제는 없나요?
• Does everything seem normal with my pregnancy?
• Is my pregnancy progressing as expected?
2. 유산 가능성은 없는지
• Is there any risk of miscarriage?
• Do you see anything that indicates a risk of miscarriage?
3. 분만 예정일은 언제인지
• When is my estimated due date?
• Can you tell me the due date based on my last period or the ultrasound?
4. 태아가 건강한지
• Is the baby healthy so far?
• Are there any concerns about the baby’s development?
5. 입덧을 하는데 문제가 있는 건지
• I’ve been experiencing morning sickness. Is that normal?
• Should I be concerned about my morning sickness?
• Morning sickness is really severe. Could you prescribe something to help with it? Are there any other recommendations that might help?”
(너무 심할 경우 흑흑)
6. 어떤 영양제를 섭취해야 하는지
• What supplements should I be taking during pregnancy? I’m currently taking folic acid (name). Can I also take a multivitamin or cranberry supplements?
• Are there any additional vitamins or supplements you’d recommend?
7. 첫 검진 시 확인할 사항(물어보기)
• What tests will be done during my first prenatal visit?
• Can you walk me through the tests you’ll perform during the first check-up?