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[Daily English] 난 헬스장 갈꺼다(운동 관련 표현)

뚝딱뚝딱수리 2024. 8. 11. 23:04

[Daily English] 난 헬스장 갈꺼다(운동 관련 표현)

가끔 동료들과 대화를 해보면 헬스장 간다는 표현이 먼가 어색하게 다가올 때가 있었다.  go to gym 이라고 말을 해야할지, exercise를 써야할지 잘 모르겠다.. 그래서 어떤 표현을 어떻게 사용하면 좋을지 정리해봤다!


 Strength Training: weightlifting, squats, deadlifts, and bench presses ... 

 Cardio: treadmill, cycle, rowing machine ...

 Flexibility/Stretching: stretching, yoga ...

 HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training): Interval

 Core Workouts: planks, crunches, leg raises ...


1. 헬스장에 가다

I’m off to the fitness center.

I’m going to work out at the gym.

I’m hitting the gym today.


2. 나는 헬스장에서 근력운동을 하는 것보다 마라톤이나 스포츠 같이 유산소 운동하는걸 선호한다

I enjoy cardio exercises like running or playing sports more than lifting weights.

I’m more into cardio, like marathons or sports, than doing resistance training at the gym.


3. 짐에서 주로 어떤 운동을 하니?

What exercises do you typically do at the gym?

What’s your go-to workout routine at the gym?


4. 무게는 얼마나 쳐?

How much weight do you typically lift?

How much can you bench/squat/deadlift?


5. 어느 부위 운동할꺼야?

Which body part are you training today?

Which area are you working out?


6. 한지 얼마나 됐어?

How long have you been working out?

How long have you been going to the gym?



A: Hey, how’s it going?

B: Hey! Not bad, just the usual grind. You?

A: Pretty good. I’m actually planning to hit the gym after work today.

B: Nice, you’re really sticking with that. How often do you go?
stick with: ~와 함께하다

A: Yeah, I try to get in about three times a week for some strength training. I also squeeze in a game of tennis or hit the golf course whenever I can.
squeeze in: 시간을 내다(쪼개서 내다) / get sth in: 간신히 ~ 하다 

B: That’s awesome. I’ve been thinking about it, but honestly, I’m not really into working out.
be into ~: ~에 관심이 많다/~을 좋아하다

A: I totally get it. But you know, it doesn’t have to be all intense. Even just starting with something light, like a few days of basic exercises, can make a difference. You should come with me today if you’re free!

B: I don’t know… I’m not sure I’m ready to dive into that just yet.

A: No worries! But if you ever want to give it a shot, we can go together. It’s always better with a gym buddy.

B: Thanks, I’ll think about it. Maybe one of these days, I’ll take you up on that.

A: Sounds good! Just let me know. It’s always nice to have someone to chat with while working out.