영단어 공부

[Vocabulary] 상승,증가하다 / 하락,감소하다?? (Day 4)

뚝딱뚝딱수리 2024. 8. 10. 18:38

너무나 많은 표현들이 있어서 여러개 머릿속에 들고 있으면 도움이 될만한 비교 표현들


증가 감소 예문 (증가) 예문 (감소)
Increase Decrease The company's profits have increased significantly. The company's profits have decreased significantly.
Rise Fall The temperature is expected to rise tomorrow. The temperature is expected to fall tomorrow.
Climb Decline The stock prices continue to climb. The stock prices continue to decline.
Ascend Descend The balloon began to ascend into the sky. The balloon began to descend from the sky.
Grow Shrink Our customer base has grown rapidly. Our customer base has shrunk rapidly.
Expand Contract The company plans to expand its operations. The company had to contract its operations.
Elevate Lower We need to elevate the discussion to a higher level. We need to lower the intensity of the discussion.
Surge Plummet The demand for electric cars has surged recently. The demand for electric cars has plummeted recently.
Amplify Reduce The sound was amplified to reach the audience. The sound was reduced to avoid disturbing neighbors.
Escalate Deescalate The conflict began to escalate quickly. Efforts were made to deescalate the conflict.
Heighten Diminish The tension in the room heightened. The tension in the room diminished.
Intensify Alleviate The heatwave is expected to intensify. The medication will help alleviate the pain.
Boost Cut We need to boost our sales efforts. The budget for advertising was cut.
Raise Drop The government plans to raise taxes next year. The government plans to drop taxes next year.
Enhance Weaken The new features will enhance the user experience. The lack of updates has weakened the product.
Strengthen Weaken The new policy will strengthen the economy. The economic crisis has weakened the country.
Build up Break down The team needs to build up their confidence. The team morale began to break down after the loss.
Multiply Divide Our investments have multiplied over the years. Our investments were divided among sectors.
Swell Shrink The river swelled after the heavy rains. The water level began to shrink during the drought.