[비즈니스 이메일] 5. 맺음말에 쓰는 멘트 2탄
이번에는 다양한 상황에 따른 맺음말 멘트들을 한번 알아보도록 하겠습니다.
1. 상대방 의견 문의:
- We/I would appreciate your insights/comments on xxxx.
- It would be appreciated if you can share your insights/thoughts/comments on xxxx.
- we look forward to your instructionos on xxxx.
- Please advise us of your comments on xxxx.
- We would appreciate if you can elaborate further on your viewpoint about xxxx.
2. 지원이나 협조 요청:
- "Thank you for your support so far. I would like to request your assistance in [specific task]."
- It would be very helpful if you could kindly send us xxxx.
- Your kind attention to this matter would be much appreciated.
- Your prompt feedback in this matter would greatly help us to xxxx.
- We anticipate your favorable consideration in this matter.
- Looking forward to your comments on xxxx.
- Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter.
3. 요청에 대한 거절표현:
- I extend my sincere gratitude for considering our proposal. Unfortunately, we should regrettably decline to proceed at this juncture due to xxxx.
- I wish to express my appreciation for your offer. After careful consideration, we have determined that it is in our best interest to pursue an alternative direction.
- I/We hope you would understand our position and that our decision in this regard will not discourage you to contact us again in the future.
- It is with regret that we are unable to fulfill it due to xxxx.
- I/We very muhc regret that we are unable to assist you this time but look forward to an opportunity to xxxx.
- Thank you for your interest, however, it is indeed unfortunate that the circumstances have developed against our mutual intentions.
4. 행운을 기원(잘 되거라, 잘 살아라.. 하는 의미):
- Wishing you continued success in all your endeavors. May this new venture bring you prosperity.
- I wish you continued success in all your endeavors. I have confidence that you will achieve great results.
- May your efforts be rewarded with success. Looking forward to hearing about your accomplishments.
- I believe your hard work will lead to fruitful outcomes.
- I wish you all the best as you embark on this.
- We wish you and your company a happy and prosperous New Year!
- Our best wishes for the happy holidya season.
- with all the good wishes for a very happy New Year, ~~~.
중복되는 표현이 많기 때문에, 실전에서 여러번 사용하다 보면 본인에게 알맞은(잘 외워지는..) 패턴이 생기게 되고 거기에 맞춰 잘 변형해서 사용하면 좋을 것 같습니다. 글쓴이는 암기력이... 패턴이 너무 단조로워서 너무 중복되는 것 같아 이 기회에 저도 가짓수를 늘려봐야 겠습니다ㅎㅎ
다음부터는 서두, 맺음말이 아닌 본문에서 쓰일 요긴한 표현들을 알아볼 건데요. 감사의 인사, 축하의 인사를 전하는 멘트들에 대해서 먼저 알아보도록 하겠습니다.
다들 명절 잘 보내시고, 새해 복 많이 받으세요!!
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