직장인 비즈니스이메일

[비즈니스 이메일] 3. 서두(글머리)는 어떤 멘트를 쓸까? 2탄

뚝딱뚝딱수리 2024. 1. 25. 01:01

[비즈니스 이메일] 3. 서두(글머리)는 어떤 멘트를 쓸까? 2탄

지난번에 이어서, 이메일 서두에 쓸 수 있는 표현들을 마저 알아보고자 한다.(상황별 예문을 살펴보자!!)



[상대방 메일에 대한 회신으로 시작하기]


  1. Well received your email / Well received your attachments. < 가장 편하다...
  2. This is to acknowledge receipt of your email.
  3. with reference to your email below(혹은 날짜), ~
  4. Thank you for your email sent on xxx, ~
  5. I appreciate your prompt response.
  6. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.
  7. I've received your email and wanted to follow up.
  8. Thank you for reaching out.
  9. I hope this email finds you well.  < 담당자가 정확하지 않거나 매우 뜸하게/모르는 사람에게 보낼 경우 사용
  10. Thanks for your timely response.  < 많이 쓴다
  11. I appreciate your attention to this matter.  < 공손하고 싶은 경우...?!


[요청이나 문의를 통해 시작하기]

  1. I am writing to inquire about...
  2. I would like to request information on...
  3. I'm reaching out to ask for your assistance with...
  4. I am interested in obtaining more details about...
  5. I have a question regarding...
  6. Could you please provide more information about...
  7. I am writing to ask for your expertise on...
  8. I wanted to reach out and request your input on...
  9. I'm writing to inquire about the status of...


[요청이나 문의에 대한 회신으로 시작하기]


  1. I appreciate your inquiry regarding...
  2. I wanted to respond to your inquiry about...
  3. I'm happy to address your questions regarding...
  4. I appreciate the opportunity to provide information on...
  5. I am pleased to share details about...
  6. I'm here to assist with any information you may need about...
  7. I'm writing to respond to your recent inquiry regarding...
  8. I'll be happy to assist you with your question about...
  9. Here is the information you requested about...
  10. I'm pleased to provide you with the details on..


[무언가 통보/안내를 하면서 시작하기]


  1. I wanted to inform you that...  < 많이 쓴다..
  2. I'm writing to let you know that...
  3. This is to inform you that...  < 또한 많이 쓴다..
  4. I would like to bring to your attention that...
  5. I'm pleased to inform you that...   <<
  6. I wanted to share with you that...
  7. I am writing to update you on...  << 
  8. Allow me to inform you that...
  9. I'm excited to let you know that...
  10. I'm pleased to report that...


[누군가의 소개로 처음 메일 송부할때 사용하는 서두 표현]  xxxx = 소개해준 사람


  1. xxxx referred me to you, mentioning your involvement in...
  2. It was great to connect with xxxxx, who suggested I reach out to you regarding...
  3. I hope you don't mind me getting in touch. xxxx suggested I contact you regarding...
  4. I'm reaching out based on the recommendation from xxxx, who mentioned your expertise in...
  5. I am writing you at the suggestion of xxxx to ...


[사과하면서 시작하기]  *Regret이나 Disappoint 같은 표현은 불만이나 유감을 표현할때 주로 사용


  1. I would like to (sincerely) apologize for...
  2. I want to express my apologies regarding...
  3. I owe you an apology for...
  4. Please accept my (sincere) apologies for...   < 많이 쓴다..
  5. I would like to extend my apologies for...
  6. I apologize for any inconvenience caused by...
  7. I'm writing to apologize for...   < 많이 쓴다..
  8. I want to personally say sorry for...
  9. Please allow me to apologize for...   < 많이 쓴다..
  10. I'm sorry to inform you that...    < 많이 쓴다..


[유감을 표현하기(미안해하면서 보내기)]


  1. I regret to inform you that...
  2. Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate your request for...
  3. I'm afraid I have to decline your proposal for...  << decline 같은 부정적 표현은 잘 안쓰려고 한다..
  4. I'm sorry to say that we are not able to move forward with...
  5. I'm sorry to convey that we are unable to meet your request for...
  6. It is with regret that we must decline your offer for...
  7. I regretfully have to inform you that...


이 외에도 다양한 상황들이 있겠으나,, 좀더 세분화된 분류가 필요하실 경우 댓글이나 말씀 부탁 드립니다~

오늘 하루도 고생했습니다 모두들~