직장인 영어회화

[생활 영어회화] 전화영어 #1(여보세요/나 누구야/누구세요?/잘 못들었어/다시말해줄래?)

뚝딱뚝딱수리 2025. 1. 7. 22:00

솔직히 화자는 전화하는 게 두렵습니다. 얼굴을 보지 못한 채 통화로만 할 경우 말의 뉘앙스나 의미를 제대로 이해하지 못할 수도 있고 안그래도 잘 들리지 않는 영어가 더욱이 귀에 들어오지 않아서죠.. 하지만 어쩌겠어요 해야죠. 못알아 듣더라도 최소한 내 할 말은 하고 다시 물어볼 줄은 알아야겠죠?

전화할때 쓰이는 표현들을 몇가지 적어봤습니다. 저 역시도 적극적으로 머릿속에 담아두고 바로바로 뱉어낼 수 있게 연습해야겠습니다.


[화자 기준 제일 많이 쓰고 싶지만 갑자기 생각나지 않는 멘트들]


1. 잘 못 들었어 / 다시 말해줄래?


Sorry, I didn’t catch that. Can you say it again?

Come again?

I missed that—could you repeat it?


Apologies, could you repeat that, please?

Would you mind saying it again?

Could you clarify that for me, please?


2. 누구랑 얘기하면 될까?


Who should I talk to about this?

Any idea who I need to speak with?

Who’s the right person to handle this?


Could you direct me to the appropriate person to discuss this with?

May I ask who I should contact regarding this matter?

Who would be the best person to speak with about this?


3. 잠시만 기다려줄래?


Hang on a sec.

Just a second, I’ll be right back.

Can you hold on for a minute?


Would you mind holding for a moment?

Please hold for a moment while I check on that.

Could you wait a moment, please?


4. 다시 전화할게


I’ll call you back later.

Let me get back to you.

I’ll give you a ring in a bit.


I’ll follow up with another call shortly.

I’ll reach out again later.

Let me return your call at a more convenient time.


5. 지금 자리에 없어. 메모 남겨줄까?


They’re not here right now. Want to leave a message?

XXX isn’t around. Can I take a message for you?

They stepped out—should I let them know you called?


XXX is unavailable at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?

I’m sorry, XXX is out right now. Can I take a message for you?

XXX isn’t in the office right now. May I pass on a message?


6. 연결이 좋지 않네


The connection’s really bad.

I can barely hear you.

You’re cutting out—can you hear me?


I’m sorry, the line isn’t clear. Could you repeat that?

We seem to have a bad connection. Let’s try again.


[기본적인 상황들]


1. 전화 시작할 때

Casual (친구/가족 간):

Hey, what’s up?

Hi, how’s it going?

Hey, got a minute?

What’s new with you?

Formal (비즈니스/격식 있는 통화):

Hello, this is XX. May I speak with ZZZZ?

Good morning/afternoon, is now a good time to talk?

Hi, XXX. I’m calling to follow up on xxx.


2. 통화 이유를 설명할 때

Casual (친구/가족 간):

Just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing.

I was just calling to catch up.

I had a quick question for you.

I thought I’d give you a call and see what’s up.

Formal (비즈니스/격식 있는 통화):

I’m calling to discuss xxxx.

I wanted to follow up on xxxx.

I just need a quick moment of your time to go over xxxx.

I’m reaching out regarding xxxx.


3. 상대방이 바쁠까 물어볼 때


Are you busy right now?

Got a sec to talk?

Is now a bad time?


Is this a convenient time to talk?

Would you be available to discuss this now?

I hope I’m not catching you at a bad time.


4. 내용 확인하거나 되물어볼 때


Wait, can you say that again?

Sorry, what was that?

Got it, but could you explain a bit more? < 약간 의미가 다르지만,, 못들은게 아니라 이해 안된척ㅋ


Could you please repeat that?

Can you elaborate on that?


5. 통화를 마무리할 때


Alright, I’ll let you go.

Anyway, talk to you later.

Thanks for chatting—take care!


Thank you for your time. I’ll follow up via xxxx.

I’ll get back to you with more details.

Let me know if you have any further questions.

Thanks for taking the call, and have a great day.