직장인 영어회화

[스몰톡 영어회화] 날씨 얘기로 대화의 공백을 메꿔보자!!

뚝딱뚝딱수리 2024. 1. 29. 23:30

[스몰톡 영어회화] 날씨 얘기로 대화의 공백을 메꿔보자!!

오늘은 글쓴이가 항상 고통을 받는 스몰톡 주제들을 한번 다뤄볼 예정입니다.

스몰톡은 여러가지 상황과 표현들을 갖고있다가 생각날 때 대화의 공백 중에 써먹으면 참 좋은 것 같습니다. 글쓴이도 항상 대화 중간에 존재하는 공백과 어색함을… 견디기 어려워 하나 파워 I형은 그 대화를 메꿔갈 자신이 없네요 ㅠㅠ (항상 노력 중입니다 사회적 E를 갖기 위한 몸부림)


보통은 그날의 날씨를 언급하는게 가장 쉬운 아이스브레이킹과 화두가 되는 것 같은데요, 날씨별로 어떤 표현을 쓸 수 있을지 한번 알아보겠습니다.


  1. 맑은 날씨 (Sunny Day):
    • It's a clear day.
    • The sun is shining brightly.
  2. 흐린 날씨 (Cloudy Day):
    • It's overcast today.
    • The sky is cloudy.
  3. 비 오는 날 (Rainy Day):
    • It's raining cats and dogs.
    • We're having a downpour.
  4. 눈 오는 날 (Snowy Day):
    • It's snowing.
    • The ground is covered in snow.
  5. 덥고 습한 날씨 (Hot and Humid Day):
    • It's sweltering.
    • The humidity is really high.
  6. 추운 날씨 (Cold Day):
    • It's freezing outside.
    • I can see my breath in the air.
  7. 바람 부는 날씨 (Windy Day):
    • It's windy.
    • There's a strong breeze blowing.
  8. 계절 변화 시 대화 (Seasonal Transition):
    • Spring is in the air.
    • The days are getting warmer.
  9. 날씨 예보에 대한 대화 (Weather Forecast):
    • The forecast predicts rain tomorrow.
    • It's expected to be clear and sunny over the weekend.
    • I heard there might be some rain later.
    • Looks like it's going to be a bit cloudy today.

보통은 당일의 날씨에 대해 얘기하다보면 자국의 날씨에 대한 설명으로 이어지는게 자연스러운 흐름으로 느껴지는데(추가 스몰톡을 진행하기 위한 노력,,) 국가별로 날씨 특징도 영어로 한번 확인해 볼까요?


한국 (Korea):

  • Korea's weather is quite interesting. We get all four seasons here.
  • Winters can be cold with snow, springs are mild and filled with cherry blossoms, summers get hot and humid, and autumns are cool with the leaves changing color.
  • In the winter, temperatures can drop significantly, and we often experience snowfall, especially in the northern regions.
  • Spring is a lovely time with mild temperatures, and cherry blossoms bloom, covering the landscape in beautiful hues.
  • Summer, on the other hand, gets pretty hot and humid, making it a bit sticky, especially in July and August.
  • Autumn is a favorite for many as the temperatures cool down, and the foliage turns into vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow.
  • Depending on when you visit, you could experience anything from snowy landscapes to cherry blossom-filled springs or colorful autumns.

싱가포르 (Singapore):

  • I was reading about Singapore's weather.
  • It's tropical, so it's hot and humid all the time.
  • They have these frequent rain showers, and there's no real winter season.

미국 (United States):

  • The weather is so diverse across regions.
  • Some places have harsh winters with lots of snow, others get really hot summers.
  • Coastal areas are milder, and in certain places, you might have to deal with hurricanes or tornadoes.

영국 (United Kingdom):

  • The weather there is quite something.
  • It's temperate and maritime, so winters are mild, summers are cool, and it tends to rain a lot.
  • The weather can be pretty unpredictable, with cloudy days and occasional sunny spells.

호주 (Australia):

  • Australia's weather is all over the place.
  • Up north, it's tropical with a wet season. Down south, summers can get scorching, and winters are cool. In the central areas, it's dry, and along the coasts, they have to deal with cyclones during certain times.